What is CrossFit?

OC Fit
June 1, 2019
What is CrossFit?

OC Fit


June 1, 2019

Hello Reader!

I’ve decided to start writing... blogs, articles, newsletters, whatever you want to call it really… In the simple hope of helping people.

I intend to share some of my knowledge about whatever revolves around health and fitness. One might ask, but why would we believe anything you are about to write Coach Phil? The simple answer is - you don’t have to! But here is one thing I can assure you… Whatever questions I will answer, I will answer with my most honest opinions supported by years of experience and hard work.

The most important thing for a reader to know is if I don’t know the answer to a question then my answer will be “I don’t know.” No one knows everything, we’re all human. But you can rest assured that I will do everything I can to help this person find the answer they are looking for.

Alright enough trying to convince anybody, let me share right away!

What is CrossFit ?

In all honesty, anyone can do a Google search and quickly find out that CrossFit is: “CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity” … Sure… but what does this really mean? We can break it down further to really understand this statement by saying:

Functional Movements

Functional movements are based on real-world situational biomechanics, usually involving multi-joints, multi-planar displacements. For example: sitting in a chair, putting something on a high shelf, picking up something of the ground, etc.

Constantly Varied

These movements are Constantly Varied - meaning not repeating the same movement patterns in the same order, for the same amount of time.

High Intensity

And finally these movements are Performed at a High Intensity. Intensity is defined as power - power is moving large loads, over a long distance in the shortest amount of time possible.

Even then, what does this really mean?

Here is my definition of CrossFit in a gym setting. I will also answer the question of “what are people signing up for when they join a CrossFit gym?”

When you walk into Orleans CrossFit you won't see machines anywhere, you will see an open floor space. There will be one person guiding a group of people with the same mindset - become healthier, more fit and feel amazing! You will have no thinking to do, the class is setup to maximize your precious time in the most efficient way possible. You will perform movements that will be adapted to your own skill level by a knowledgeable coach. You will always make progress as the program is evidence - based by keeping personal records of workouts you will repeat. You will always feel like ‘you got this’ and that ‘you can do it’ because of the motivation that you will receive from your workout partners and your coaches. Once the workout is done, you will feel tired! You will also feel like you just realized why this method works in keeping you healthy, fit and motivated to come back everyday.

Simply put, CrossFit produces observable results that can be measured and replicated. At Orleans CrossFit, we train members utilizing a precise combination of exercise and time. A program that has proven to increase fitness and health for all ages and skill levels in the most efficient way.

I strongly believe that everyone should take a moment to reflect on their lifestyles and allow themselves to live healthier longer. Believe me when I say that all you need is 30 minutes. I challenge anyone to try our 30 minute class then tell me there is no way 30 minutes a day can make you healthier, more fit and feel amazing! On a side note, you might even meet some amazing people, laugh and have the best 30 minutes of your day!

To improve and preserve your health - do CrossFit!

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