I figured now would be a great time to talk about setting goals as January is usually the time of year where most people set goals, motivation is at its peak and people are full of good intentions.
"Goals allow you to succeed. Setting goals gives you focus and direction." - Coach Phil
Setting goals allows you to determine whether or not you are making progress. Too often our goals and motivation come to a very quick end. This sudden lack of will and each goal now looking like mount Everest is because of a disorganized goal setting process.
There are a few tips and tricks everyone should follow when setting-up goals that will allow you to accomplish them.
Pro tip: Write on a piece of paper the reason WHY this goal is important to YOU. Whenever you start to fall off track you can always count on your why to keep you focused if your why is important to you.
2. Set measurable, time-bound and attainable goals.
3. Set an action plan.
Setting goals is much more than just saying 'I want this to happen and then just hope it will.' If you set goals that are important to you and you know why you really want it, then all that is left to do is to take action towards your plan.
If you have never set goals, I encourage you to do so. Find the WHY, set a plan, stick to it and enjoy the satisfaction of accomplishing something that means a lot to you!
Please feel free to use our simplified Orleans CrossFit template to set your goals.
That's all for now folks. If you have any question about setting your 2020 goals please message me at info@orleanscrossfit.ca.
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