The virus that some fear as if it’s automatic death and some think that it’s just a "beer brand" for some sort of cold or flu.
I’m writing this article today to state facts as well as my personal opinions on this virus and how we are dealing with it at Orleans CrossFit.
First, allow me to explain my personal background.
Whenever I am not coaching at Orleans CrossFit, I am working at the Montfort Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, as a Respiratory Therapist. I have been doing this job for over 8 years now. This also means that I have lived and worked with the SARS and H1N1 infections in an extremely front line position with all of them being primarily respiratory infections.
The coronavirus is a new strain that started circulating, causing the disease COVID-19. I will spare the details on how many people are infected, how many died and how many countries are affected as this is not my field of expertise... and you can do a quick google search to find out.
My main subject of interest is how this virus is transmitted and what Orleans CrossFit is doing to prevent any infections.
Just like any cold or flu, the COVID-19 can spread through:
The major/key symptoms are:
The COVID-19 has now spread to several countries, it is declared a public health emergency that is likely to spread to more people. Some people will hear that it is highly recommended to avoid fitness centers. This is 100% true. You have more chances of catching the virus if you are in contact with people. But guess what, you should also avoid the grocery store, malls, public transit, Starbucks, Tim Hortons, arenas, etc. Anywhere there are people, you should not go.
That being said, I can’t talk for any other businesses but I would like to explain how we at Orleans CrossFit take precautions to prevent any contamination. If you are a member at Orleans CrossFit, you know that we keep the gym extremely clean but here is a breakdown of what we do:
Here is what we are going to add as of right now to our daily routine until the outbreak is under control.
And the most important part! If you are not feeling well, have a fever, runny nose or a new cough, please stay home until your symptoms are resolved!
Care for your friends and your friends will care for you.
I hope this article was helpful for many! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of your coaches or send us an email at
Thank you for following along with The OC Articles by Orleans CrossFit.