In just 10 short days, CrossFit will announce the first workout of this annual competition and beloved community tradition. And whether you consider yourself a CrossFit newbie, competitor, enthusiast, fan, or community supporter, the Open is for you!
The Open is a series of workouts spaced across three weeks. Individuals now must do the workouts from their respective affiliates, or their score will become invalid.
The Open follows the same cadence each week. The workout is released on the CrossFit Games website on Thursdays at 3:00 p.m., and you have until Monday at 8:00 p.m. to do the workout and submit your score online. At the end of each week, you can see where you stack up against the world, in your age group, and within your division by viewing the worldwide CrossFit Games Leaderboard.
There are several options for each workout, making it easy to find a place where you can be challenged yet not discouraged over the course of the three weeks. Here are some of the divisions you can choose from:
First pull-ups, cheering, memories — that’s all well and good, but still: “I’m not a competitive athlete,” you might say, “so why would I do this?”
We hear you, and we’re here to tell you that we hear that a lot. But that’s like not signing up for a marathon because you won’t finish in the top five or qualify for the Olympics. There are many benefits to completing the event, independent of where you finish.
If you’re not in it to win it, the Open is a way to check in on your fitness, hold you accountable to moving forward and staying motivated for the upcoming year, accomplish personal goals, and celebrate with the community!
Every year we host our “Friday Night Lights” at the gym. This just means that for those 3 weeks of the Open, we cancel all Friday evening classes and instead turn them into “heats”.
You can sign up for whichever heat is available, show up 15-20 minutes before your heat starts so you can warm up properly and receive a debrief from our coaching staff on movement standards etc, then you crush the Open workout with whoever else is in your heat!
After completing your workout, it’s encouraged to stay and cheer on others doing the same workout you just completed, or you can volunteer to judge athletes if you’re up for it!
Open workout Announcement Dates
After each workout is announced, we will update the PushPress app with heat times for you to reserve yourself.
Friday Night Lights (In-house community event) Dates
Score Submission Dates
Your score will become invalid if it is submitted after 8 p.m. on the respective dates, so set a reminder to yourself to submit it immediately!
We hope this helps answer any potential questions you may have about the Open or how we do things at OCFIT this time of year.
It really is a fun time, and PLENTY of memories are always made each year.
Now let’s get you signed up for the Open!